Women of Project Management Speaker Nicole Jones

The Women of Project Management Conference is SOLD OUT!! Yes, you read that right; the conference is sold out and we are so excited to meet everyone face-to-face! We are less than one month away from experiencing the best professional conference of 2022. Our panel of speakers comprises some of the most influential women in the project management profession including speaker Nicole Jones! Her influence and expertise in project management, money management, and entrepreneurship make her the ultimate boss babe! We cannot wait to hear her drop some gems on November 12th! 

Nicole Jones is CAPM certified and is the Founder of The PM Suite.

She started her consulting business as a way to help entrepreneurs streamline their businesses. Some of her products and services include immediate action plans, operations audits, and business resources to name a few. As a business owner who left corporate America to pursue a different path, she feels passionate about helping other project managers upskill and use their knowledge to pursue entrepreneurship. 

Women of Project Management Speaker Nicole Jones, CAPM

I asked her what she was most proud of in her career, and she answered, “Believing in my purpose and taking the calculated risk to leave corporate to continue my venture, The PM Suite, servicing clients I'm excited about every day. Leaving the stability of a bi-weekly check and benefits is a scary moment, but I knew with my gifts I could make magic happen as an entrepreneur. With this obedience, God has not let me down and I'm forever grateful.”

It’s not an easy task to take an idea and see it through to fruition.

Hard work, dedication, strategy, and most importantly confidence, play a huge role in being successful. Nicole thrives when she is able to use her experience and expert knowledge to help women grow personally and professionally. Nicole is also the Founder of Mediocre to Masterful, a platform catered to teaching women how to boss up in entrepreneurship, wealth, and wellness.

Nicole worked in project management leadership positions for over 10 years and was able to retire by 33 years old!

Take a moment to let that sink in - this is Black girl magic at its finest! With close to 80 thousand dollars in student loan debt, Nicole made a commitment to become debt free. As soon as she reached her goal, she knew that sky was the limit to what she could accomplish. Read more here about how she reached her goal.

Retired from corporate America and became debt free all before 33 years old! One of the greatest accomplishments of my adult life. I’m always excited to share my how-to’s with anyone willing and ready to make a shift!
— Nicole Jones

I don’t know about you but I am super excited to meet Nicole in person. Her personality is golden and she is truly dedicated to being a resource in this space. Nicole is a Wife, Business Owner, and a soon-to-be Mommy! If you are attending the conference, you will have a chance to hear her speak on all things before, during, and after becoming certified in the project management profession. 

By, Airess Rembert, PMP, Member of Women Of Project Management & Blogger at The Nerd Bae


Join the full discussion inside the Women Of Project Management Membership. Listen to part of our conversation on the Women Of Project Management Podcast.

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