Creating a Culture of Celebration: Embracing Victories, Inspiring Growth

Do you struggle with celebrating yourself? It almost feels too boastful to speak openly about things that we accomplish in life. However, as Black women and women of color, it’s so necessary to acknowledge your successes no matter how big or small they may seem. And you absolutely deserve to be celebrated.

We strive to create a culture of celebration within the Women of Project Management community. If you have recently passed the PMP exam, got a promotion, or overcome any life challenge, join us every fourth Friday of the month during the Win/Pass Party!

Open and free to WOPM members as well as non-members to come together for the purpose of celebrating one another.

The importance of celebrating wins.

I can tell you from personal experience that celebrating wins inspires you and encourages everyone around you. It boosts your self-confidence and helps to build a positive mindset. You’ll be motivated to take on new challenges and have the tenacity to see it through to the end. 

The benefits of celebrating wins are psychological and emotional.

A study published by the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing shows that people who celebrate positive life events in social settings will experience increased perceived social support.

There’s something about being around others who are genuinely interested in your journey and happy for your success that brings so much joy.

This was the case at the 2022 Women of Project Management Conference; the women who attended expressed so much joy as we celebrated each other making strides in the project management industry. Be sure to get your tickets to the 2023 conference to get in on the experience. 

Types of wins worth celebrating:

Every win is worth celebrating. It’s doesn’t matter how big or small the win is. It’s all worth celebrating. 

  • Passing an exam

  • Getting a job promotion

  • Opening a business

  • Crossing off tasks on your to-do list

  • Finishing a work or personal project 

  • Completing a fitness challenge

The list goes on; basically, any undertaking that results in a positive outcome. A way to celebrate your accomplishments is to set milestone dates and acknowledge your progress along the way. Include your friends and/or colleagues on your mission and allow them to celebrate with you. 

Creating a culture of celebration is more than just recognition of our accomplishments.

It’s also about gratitude and recognizing how blessed you are to experience a life where you can literally do whatever you set your mind to. It’s also important that as you’re celebrating your wins, you acknowledge that you are simultaneously inspiring others to do the same.

By, Airess Rembert, PMP, Member of Women Of Project Management & Blogger at The Nerd Bae


Join the full discussion inside the Women Of Project Management Membership. Listen to part of our conversation on the Women Of Project Management Podcast.

If you're new to our community, Women Of Project Management is the only community created to support & amplify the voices of women & women of color in every specialty of the project management industry worldwide. We support women in every stage of their career, learn more at Women Of Project Management.


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