The 2023 Women of Project Management Conference Recap Part 1

The 2nd annual Women of Project Management Conference was a huge success! We stepped into a different world for 3 days that transcended our expectations. The attendees left empowered, excited, and eager to step into the next phase of their project management careers. 

You could feel the excitement on day one as the VIP attendees prepared to watch the premier of the Women of Project Management documentary, Beyond the Glass Ceiling. They came red carpet ready and prepared to absorb what was to come. 

After the premier, the cast was able to engage in a Q&A session with the audience. It was truly a beautiful experience.  

The same energy from day one gracefully carried over into day two as the attendees filled the conference room. The elegant aura of the room came from the captivating decor, the stage setup, and the beautifully dressed attendees.

And of course, our sis Lakia “LB” Brandenburg captivated the room with her infectious enthusiasm and ability to get the crowd going!

Next, the woman of the hour and Founder of the Women of Project Management community, Asya Watkins blesses us with her presence as she greets everyone and sets the tone for the next phase of the day.

Before getting to the thick of the conference, a therapy session with Dr. Ayana Abrams provided us the chance to level set.

Asya and Dr. Ayanna discussed imposter syndrome: how to recognize it, deal with it, and how to overcome it. Dr. Ayanna reminded the audience of the origin of the term to provide some perspective on it.

Doing this gave us the opportunity to redefine what the feeling is, essentially providing better direction on how to overcome it.

The energy in the room was electrifying at this point. After a hearty breakfast was consumed, attendees were more than happy and ready to continue on this journey being empowered.

Women from all walks of life were gathered attentively listening to one another, networking and fostering lasting relationships.

Placed across each table were cards bearing uplifting words of affirmation that reminded them of their worth and massive potential in the project management world.

A much needed therapy session paired with the satisfying breakfast as well as the overwhelmingly positive vibes from everyone in the room, definitely set the stage and aura for the remainder of the conference. 

Stay tuned for part two and three of the conference recap as we break down the different panel discussions as well as the awards gala, breakout sessions and feedback from the attendees! 

By, Airess Rembert, PMP, Member of Women Of Project Management & Blogger at The Nerd Bae


Join the full discussion inside the Women Of Project Management Membership. Listen to part of our conversation on the Women Of Project Management Podcast.

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