2022 PMI Global Summit Recap!

I recently had the opportunity to travel to Las Vegas, NV for the 2022 PMI Global Summit where over 1000 people gathered at the beautiful Caesar’s Palace. Project managers traveled from all over the world including Africa, Dubai, and Canada. We had a chance to network and learn all about new industry products and services. There were project managers from many specialties including tech and business-related fields. But literally, everyone was a project manager! 

As a Speaker, I made sure I came Prepared To Speak On The Topic for the DEI Panel: Thriving Through Transformation: Securing Your Spot In The Leadership Pipeline

Now more than ever it’s really important that I continue to advocate for diversity equity & inclusion in project management by partnering with organizations like PMI! Stay tuned for more on that as we build this community and make meaningful connections. I’m excited to see more DE&I topics at the 2023 PMI Global Summit and the Women Of Project Management’s contribution to this effort. 

Once I was done speaking, I made the most of my time as an attendee. It was really exciting that many people recognized Women Of Project Management and all that we are doing in the project management space. Prior to the conference on LinkedIn, I announced that I was speaking at the conference and asked others to connect with me after my panel. As a result, I met so many new amazing people!

Closing remarks by speaker, Jessica Matthews was easily a highlight for me.

She graced the stage with her father to share an impactful story of her journey. Ending the conference with this father-daughter duo was such a beautiful thing to see. Jessica’s parents were born in Nigeria and migrated to Brooklyn, NY where Jessica was born. She spoke mostly about how she navigated her way through her career as a Black woman and working in a Global business. She is the Founder and CEO of Unchartered, an IT services and IT consulting business based in New York City.

Overall, I had such an amazing time at the conference and even got to spend some family time at the Hoover Dam. 


Join the full discussion inside the Women Of Project Management Membership. Listen to part of our conversation on the Women Of Project Management Podcast.

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Women Of Project Management Conference Resume Review