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7 Intentions to Set for Your Career in 2023

Do you wake up every morning dreading the thought of work? Or feel like you’re aimlessly floating through each day on a job that feels pointless? Well, it’s time to change that by setting intentions for your career. Two things you can consider to help you set intentions for your career are your lifestyle preferences and financial needs - mainly because a good chunk of your life is spent working. Setting intentions forces you to think about why you do what you do, and it keeps you on the right track to accomplish your goals.

Lifestyle factors to think about when setting career intentions.

  1. What’s your vision for life? Think about the things you value the most and how you see your future self. Identify the type of career that supports your short and long-term vision.  

  2. Protect your mental health at all costs. Set the intention to enjoy your career by focusing on the positive aspects of the work you do. 

  3. With the everchanging market, it’s a good idea to set an intention of stability. While it’s hard to know for sure if a certain career path is stable, there are tips and tricks you can learn to quickly pivot to sustain your lifestyle. 4 Recession-Proof Project Management Skills

  4. I know yall have heard the saying, your network is your net worth. It’s true! Set the intention to expand your network throughout your career. Keep in contact with old coworkers, attend conferences, and really develop your professional connections.

Financial factors to consider when setting career intentions.

5. We all love raises right? I definitely do. It feels good to know that your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed by receiving a well-earned pay raise. Setting the intention to increase your salary will increase your determination to not only do a good job at work but to thrive and excel. 

6. Many organizations give 2-3% bonuses quarterly or annually; set the intention to do amazing work. Sometimes receiving a bonus is not guaranteed, it could be based on a number of factors including poor performance. 

7. Intangibles can be simply described as all the things needed to maintain your livelihood. Think of gym membership costs, home office set-up, internet, and continued education. These are all things that can be provided through your employer if you set your intentions and align with a career path that supports this set-up. 

Much like the goals we set, setting intentions in our careers is very important and helps us to remain centered and satisfied as it all comes to fruition. However, unlike a goal, intentions require major self-awareness in the moment and continuous self-discovery over time. And just like anything else, the life of your career should reflect your values, showcase your strengths and compensate you well. 

By, Airess Rembert, PMP, Member of Women Of Project Management & Blogger at The Nerd Bae


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