Women Of Project Management®

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New Inside the Women of PM Membership!

The Women of Project Management team has been watching, listening and paying close attention to the expressed needs of this community. WOPM Founder, Asya Watkins created this community to amplify the voices of Black women and women of color in the project management industry. After the first annual Women of Project Management conference, we learned that our community craved more involvement, more intimate interactions and more support in their project management journey. 

Fortunately, we’ve been able to come through and create a more engaging environment for our community needs. 

Below are a few things we’ve added to the Women of Project Management membership! 

Lunch ‘N Learns launched at the beginning of the year with Her Career Cafe Founder, Edi Hayes.

Our weekly Lunch ‘N Learns gives members the opportunity to learn about various topics as they relate to project management. Edi Hayes led the conversation around how to stay ready by keeping your resume up to date and gaining relevant skills.

The monthly Lunch ‘N Learn schedule is as follows:

1st Friday - New member orientation 

2nd Friday - Certification workshops

3rd Friday - Continuing education

4th Friday - Wellness workshops

If you have commitment issues like me, don’t worry, for a fee, you can attend any of our virtual workshops without being a member. Click here to learn more.

The Inner Circle is our new membership platform.

Since its launch, we’ve noticed a big difference in the way members have been able to interact and connect with each other. From discussion boards, document sharing, and the ability to slide in the DMs of our PM experts have been an immediate value add to the membership. 

If you’re a member, be sure to introduce yourself to the group!

New member orientation helps new and interested members get a better understanding of what the community is all about.

The benefit for new members and non-members is that a Women of Project Management team member is available to guide you through the platform and explain the best way to reap the benefits.   

Members also get first dibs on conference tickets!

We heard your requests and made it happen, ladies; This year’s conference is a 3-day affair, and we cannot wait!! Get on the list now to stay up to date with upcoming conference information.  

By, Airess Rembert, PMP, Member of Women Of Project Management & Blogger at The Nerd Bae


Join the full discussion inside the Women Of Project Management Membership. Listen to part of our conversation on the Women Of Project Management Podcast.

If you're new to our community, Women Of Project Management is the only community created to support & amplify the voices of women & women of color in every specialty of the project management industry worldwide. We support women in every stage of their career, learn more at Women Of Project Management.